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Email lists

Since 1999, NCNAAPT has had two e-mail groups at Yahoo! It is easy to join or send messages to these groups. Please read the descriptions below:

Membership E-Mail List

A list that is available to all members of NCNAAPT has been set up. To enroll in the list, send an e-mail message with the subject “subscribe” to Once you have subscribed, messages which are sent to the following address will be delivered to you, too:

As with all public lists, please do not abuse it, but if events occur that are of general interest to our members or if there are issues on which you would like to get help, please feel free to contact other members via this list.

Officers E-Mail List

A second list has been set up for use by the officers in NCNAAPT. Although the primary members who are in this list are officers, anyone can send a message to the list. If you have a burning issue and want to address the officers, send them a message at: