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Registration for NCN AAPT Section Events

This page will always contain information of our upcoming Section events as soon as details are finalized.
We are returning to Berkeley for our Fall meeting!

Friday October 21

For those that are driving in the night before, or folks who just like to hang out with other physics teachers, we’ve got some Friday night events.  We’ll meet at 6 at Pyramids Restaurant:  They feature Egyptian fare, but of course you can always get a burger.  At 8 we’ll be at the telescopes at the Chabot Science Center:

Saturday October 22

Our keynote speaker is Bob Jacobsen, Berkeley physics faculty member and the Dean of Undergraduate Studies.  If you paid dues last Spring, registration is free (we’ll send you an email with a discount code), otherwise it is $20, which includes lunch and registration for our Spring meeting!  The registration link is right here:

And while you are at it, get our shirt.  They are $7, pick up at the meeting.

shirtfront shirtback
Here’s our preliminary schedule for the day (subject to change):

8AM – Open for registration – LeConte Hall


9 –  Share & Tell – LeConte 1
Bring your favorite demo to share with us.  If you are making photocopies for distribution, 75 is a good number.


10-11:15 Keynote Speaker – Bob Jacobsen – LeConte 1

 “Dark Matter and Improved Pedagogy – Searching for Elusive Evidence”

A look at the similarities behind doing a search for a new phenomena, and trying to find better  pedagogies.


11:15 Group Photo
Yes, you will get to take home a photo of you and scores of other physics teachers.  This is good evidence for administrators checking up on professional development activities.


11:30-1 Lunch w/Topic Tables
Once again we’ll have tacos.   We’ll embark by table, with tables for things like NGSS, AP, TYCs, Newbies & Old Farts, PER and whatever else people are interested in.


1-2:30 Lab tours, advanced lab, workshops.
  • There will be a 90-minute workshop by Berkeley’s DoseNet
  • We’ll have a 45-minute NGSS workshop that will repeat
  • We’ll have tours of various Cal research labs and teaching labs
2:30-3:30 Panel on Gender Issues in Physics/Physics Ed – LeConte 1
Moderated by Jennie Guzman with  Mary Gaillard, Sylvia Lewin and Valerie Risk.   Jennie Guzman is faculty at CSU East Bay, and was our keynote speaker at our meeting at Sacramento St.  Mary Gaillard is a long-time faculty member in the Cal Physics Department and LBNL, and is the author of “A Singularly Unfeminine Profession: One Woman’s Journey in Physics.” Sylvia Lewin is a Cal grad student and one of the head coordinators of SWPS.  Valerie Risk is a long-time member of our local chapter and teaches at Albany High School.
3:30-4:30 Berkeley Physics Demo Show – LeConte 4
We’ll close with a bang as department shows off its stockroom.


We strongly suggest using public transportation and carpooling.   The link for carpooling is