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Tips on creating a web presence for your classes

During the summer of 2009, we will be generating tips for teachers and professors who wish to improve their use of the web for their classes. We may also hold a brief workshop. If you are interested in being kept abreast of these developments, email (NCN AAPT Web Weaver).

In the mean time, a few starting points:

  • Find out what your institution’s policy is regarding teacher/professor use of the web. Some institutions prohibit using any site outside their own. Others allow it but may have restrictions.
  • Make a list of what you want to do with your site. For example:
    • Post assignments for students who miss a class.
    • Post notes from lectures (Powerpoint etc.)
    • Post links for online activities for students (interactive simulations, tutoring sites).
    • Provide online quizzes that students are required to take.
    • Post student grades.
  • Which of these is provided by your institution already?
  • How much time do you want to put into:
    • learning a web publishing system
    • updating your web site.

Check back to see updates to this page.