(This is the 1994 constitution, amended in Spring 2005. See the current version.)
- The name of this organization shall be The Northern California and Nevada Association of Physics Teachers.
- The purpose of this organization is to effect communication between physics teachers within the area approximately connoted by the term Northern California and Nevada, to the end that their professional work may be made more effective and agreeable.
- Membership in the Association is open to all persons who are disposed to pay its dues, and membership becomes effective for a given year upon receipt of dues by the Secretary-Treasurer.
- The membership and administrative year of the association shall commence at the first day of September.
- The Association shall be administered by its President, President-Elect, Vice-President for High Schools, and Secretary, Treasurer, Program Chair, Historian and Section Representative. These officers shall be teaching physicists selected from the membership by an election conducted at the Annual Meeting prescribed below. The term of each office shall be one year, starting on the first day of September following election. There shall be no restriction concerning the number of consecutive terms of office permitted to an individual officer. The duties of the officers shall be in general those implied by their titles. The officers shall jointly be responsible for handling the finances, correspondence, and external relations of the Association. They shall make all arrangements for meetings of the Association except such as may be delegated by action of the officers or of the membership. The officers shall exercise wide liberties of action in their service to the Association, but they shall be subject to such instruction and restriction as the membership may impose through action at the Annual Meeting.
- The Association shall hold such meetings as its members desire or its officers see fit to promulgate. These shall include a spring meeting known as the Annual Meeting. It shall be the custom the association to hold one meeting in the Bay Area and one meeting outside the Bay Area. The Association shall also attempt to hold joint meetings with the Southern California Section once every two years. The program of each Annual Meeting shall include joint or separate reports from the officers, election of officers for the ensuing year, and the transaction of Association of those present and voting at any meeting containing at least a quorum shall be determinative in all matters of business. A quorum requires the presence of ten or more paid-up members.
- The annual dues shall be ten dollars. In addition to annual dues, a Registration Fee may be assessed to defray the anticipated costs of meetings and the expenses operating the Association.
- This Constitution may be amended or extended by the will of two-thirds of those members present and voting at an Annual Meeting.
This Constitution was adopted at the second meeting of the NCAPT, held at Stanford University on May 26, 1956, and amended on April, 1994.