Contributed talks are 15 minutes long, and take place on Saturday.
Suitable topics include teaching ideas, research projects,
laboratory techniques, novel demonstrations, computers, and instruction.
It's easy to submit a contributed talk: Send
an abstract of your talk, with title, your name and affiliation,
AV and equipment requests, and other requirements to the Program
Chair, Paul Robinson, at
He needs them by October 6 so he has time to prepare
the final program and get it mailed out.
Bring your favorite 5-minute demonstration for the popular "Show-n-Tell." Handouts describing your demonstration are encouraged.
Missed the Special 50 Lecture-Demonstration Celebration?
Or just want to see it again? Paul Robinson is working on editing a video of this special event and hopes to put it on a DVD. More on this later. |
Hotel and travel information will be here eventually.
Find the place on
Google Maps.
Tim Erickson
your web lackey
Meeting registration is $10, which
helps to cover printing and goodies.
Section dues are $15 per year, due
each Fall. If you cannot attend the meeting, remain an active
member which will ensure you'll receive all our mailings by sending
dues to our treasurer Dennis Buckley, Liberty High School, 850
Second St., Brentwood, CA 94513.