The Spring 2007 Meeting
of the American Association of Physics Teachers, Northern
California/Nevada Section
will be hosted by Stanford/SLAC
Friday & Saturday, May 4–5, 2007 Save the date!
Spring on the Farm !
The Local Host is: Rick Pam
The NCNAAPT Program Chair is, as always, Paul Robinson
Call for Contributed Talks:
Show-n-Tell items
We solicit contributed papers of 15 minutes in length.
Suitable topics include teaching ideas, research projects,
laboratory techniques, novel demonstrations, computers
and instruction. Please send an abstract of your talk,
with title, your name and affiliation, AV and equipment
requests, and other requirements to the Program Chairman,
Paul Robinson, preferably by email at laserpablo@aol.com. Deadline
for submission is Friday April 6, 2007.
Bring your favorite 5-minute demonstration
for the popular “Show-n-Tell.”
Handouts describing your demonstration are encouraged.
Likewise, giving contributed papers as Show-n-Tells is
specifically discouraged! |
The meeting will include:
- Workshops - Details in the program.
If you are interested in presenting a workshop on Friday,
contact Paul with your idea and your needs.
- Friday Evening Social
- Saturday Morning Refreshments
- Show-n-Tell
- Door Prizes
- Contributed Talks:
This could be you! (See above left for how to
Saturday Morning Invited Speakers
- “A Quick Trip Down Memory Lane from PSSC to
Clarence Bakken will tell what he’s been up to
since retiring and why.
- Kathryn Moler and Kyle Cole, both from Stanford’s
Nanoscale Center will speak on the “Frontiers of
Roller Coaster Physics
Friday Evening Social
Spend 1:00–5:00 Friday afternoon at Great America
in Santa Clara learning the latest data collection techniques.
Then go on the rides to collect your own data. Finally,
learn more about analyzing the data you collected and
take home the group's data for use in your classroom as
well as a CD of other amusement park resources.
Cost: $40 if your school pays; $20 if you pay. Includes
admission to Great America.
Contact Clarence Bakken at cbakken2001@yahoo.com by
April 27 to RSVP.
We're planning a program on the latest developments
in particle astrophysics and cosmology at the Kavli Institute
at SLAC. What is Dark Matter anyway? Just how dark is
it? And why does it matter?
Come and see some of the latest simulations on the origins
of the universe.
More Info
Dues and Don’ts
We have a link to hotel and travel information here.
So plan to attend; block the dates on your calendar;
then join us on the Farm!
Tim Erickson
web lackey
Meeting registration is
$20, which helps to cover printing and
goodies. But first-timers are free! And don’t
forget, PTSOS participants: your dues are already paid!
Section dues are $15 per
year, due each Fall. If you cannot attend the meeting,
send dues to our treasurer, Dennis Buckley, Liberty High
School, 850 Second St., Brentwood, CA 94513. This will
ensure that you remain an active member—and
keep finding out about all the great stuff NCNAAPT can
do for you!