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Month: November 2011

High School Roundtable

As part of our support for high school Physics teachers we held a High School round table in the afternoon at our Fall meeting. The topics of (1) discipline, (2) level of curriculum, (3) grading/ paperwork and (4) making policy changes were discussed. Some material is available on each topic under Roundtable Resources. You can also download the High School Roundtable Notes from our discussion; if I left anything out please let me know by emailing

Fall 2011 Pictures posted!

Pictures from the NCNAAPT Fall Meeting and Conference are available on Flickr or on our Facebook fan page. Some pictures and relevant diagrams are available within the notes for the day. Be sure to email Secretary Bree Barnett Dreyfuss with additional information, corrections, etc.

Fall Business Meeting

Dennis Buckley gave the Treasurer’s report, including $1,300 over budget last fiscal year. Using color postcards to advertise meetings and to send programs. We currently have $4,700 in the checking account. Don’t forget about the Spring Meeting, April 20th & 21st in Lake Tahoe hosted by the Tahoe Community College. More information to come.

Keynote Speaker: Richard Muller

Richard Muller is a UC Berkeley professor of the popular “Physics for Future Presidents” class at UC Berkeley and author of a popular book of the same name. Muller discussed his development of his “Physics for Future Presidents” non-Physics major Physics course at University of California, Berkeley. The class has become a course that does not include as many calculations as a Physics course for Physics majors but rather fewer calculations that demonstrate more content. Throughout his development of the course Muller has discovered much about how students, both Physics majors and non-Physics majors, think and comprehend knowledge. His goal…

Fall Meeting: Show & Tell Notes

[pictures taken today will be posted soon] David Kagan, CSU Chico David shared a rubber bat that he can use to find the “sweet spot.” Contact David for the information of the company that made it for him for $50. It was a movie prop but you have to tell them that you don’t want a dowel in it. David shared video of a baseball hit at the batter’s footer with a regular video and then with the Fox News Infared camera. The transfer of energy to the ball from the bat makes the ball hot enough to be bright…