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Business Meeting

Election of officers: 
David Marasco will continue as President, and will also absorb Program Chair
Dennis Buckley will continue as Treasurer and Membership Coordinator
Frank Cascarano will continue as VP Colleges/ Universities
Leanna Felardo will continue as VP of High Schools
Bree Barnett Dreyfuss will continue as Secretary
Lee Trampleasure will continue as Webmaster and will also be the Section Rep
Paul Robinson will continue as a Historian
Tom Woosnam will continue to provide insight as a Past President

Treasurer’s report:
We made a profit in the Fall which is typical as more people pay their dues in Fall. Several receipts from this meeting are outstanding and so we don’t have an accurate picture of the cost of this Spring event. Our financial health is “good” with over $6,000 in our account.

Section Rep Report:
AAPT at the National level will be decreasing the days of the biannual meetings in the next few years to help offset the decline in membership. The concern of conferences planned during the school year was brought up. The section membership agreed that there should only be one meeting a year in the summer rather than two.

Future Meetings:
The Fall 2012 meeting will be at Sierra College in Rocklin and the Spring 2013 meeting will be at Foothill College in Los Altos Hills. Dates TBD.

Online Registration & Payment:
Its been proposed that we should merge our member database with an online registration and to offer electronic payments. Paypal, for example, would be an online payment system that we could use. No one in the organization will be handling your credit card number. The discussion included concerns of the loss of funds, last minute attendees, varying prices, etc. The system may increase the number of people that attend and increase the level of our conference.