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Keynote Speaker: Richard Muller

Richard Muller is a UC Berkeley professor of the popular “Physics for Future Presidents” class at UC Berkeley and author of a popular book of the same name. Muller discussed his development of his “Physics for Future Presidents” non-Physics major Physics course at University of California, Berkeley. The class has become a course that does not include as many calculations as a Physics course for Physics majors but rather fewer calculations that demonstrate more content. Throughout his development of the course Muller has discovered much about how students, both Physics majors and non-Physics majors, think and comprehend knowledge. His goal for every course is to teach students so that they can randomly recall relevant Physics knowledge when challenged. Muller shared many anecdotes about his students over the years demonstrating Physics knowledge they gained from his class. He also advocates using units and examples that are relevant and measurable for students. Muller uses the food calorie for energy and often has students compare large amount of energy, including the amount of energy released during the September 11th attacks, to the amount of energy in calories in a chocolate cookie.

Richard Muller
Richard Muller, keynote speaker

Several publications by Muller were previewed including his college level textbook “Physics and Technology for Future Presidents:
An Introduction to the Essential Physics Every World Leader Needs to Know
” and a smaller non-textbook book called “The Instant Physicist.” Educators should write to the Princeton University Press to request a copy of the book, free of charge.

Muller did briefly discussed his work with climate change by showing a brief animation of the changes in surface changes over time. More information is available on the Berkeley Earth website and the video is available on YouTube.

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