Our next local AAPT meeting will be hosted by the University of the Pacific Physics Department on April 5th and 6th.
Parking and directions can be found here.
So, what will our conference look like? We’ll have vendor workshops in the late afternoon/early evening on Friday the 5th, followed by some no-host dining. Our main event will be on Saturday the 6th, and will feature invited talks from Natasha Holmes and Binod Nainabasti followed by workshops in the afternoon.

Friday Afternoon/Evening
On Friday we will start with vendor workshops featuring representatives from Vernier, PASCO, and PocketLab. These will run from 4 to 7, we’ll update our descriptions page as details come in. Please fill out our RSVP form to sign up for any/all of the Friday activities.
At 7:15 we’ll meet up at Valley Brew (http://www.valleybrew.com) for some no-host dining. As we’ll want a good headcount, this will again be part of the RSVP form.
At 9:00 we’ll be back at UoP for stargazing with telescopes and their inflatable planetarium.
Saturday Events
Here’s our Saturday lineup:
8:00 – Doors Open / Registration / Poster Session
8:30 – Organization meeting for EdCamp afternoon activity
9:00 – Share & Tell
10:00 – Invited Speaker Natasha Holmes
Why Traditional Labs Fail (and What to Do About It)
11:15 – Exciting Business Meeting
Business-type stuff. Want to be part of the organizing team? Respond to one of David’s emails, letting him know you are interested.
11:45 – Group Photo
12:00 – Lunch
1:30 – Invited Speaker Binod Nainabasti
The Role of Students’ Participation on Learning Physics in Active Learning Classes
3:00-5:00 Workshops (Read the descriptions then please fill in this survey so we can plan room assignments. Thanks!)
5:00 Close
It’s never too early to think about a car pool. Our ride share page is at https://www.groupcarpool.com/t/e4i6w8