Mark Hurwitz, Fathom in the Physics Lab
Mark demonstrated how to use the Fathom program with Vernier probes to graph and analyze experimental data. The program allows students to quickly drag and drop meters, tables, graphs and more. Students can also manipulate graphs so that they can visually see the differences between their data analysis and what they expect to see. Mark’s students are able to use the program at home as well so that they can continue to analyze their information. Fathom only works with Vernier probes.
Bree Barnett Dreyfuss, Review Strategies
Bree discussed a variety of review strategies that she has used in her classroom. Aside from a traditional review, students can review materials using a variety of games or projects. Bree uses a lot of materials available from the Resource Area For Teachers, or RAFT, to create her games and activities. The entire powerpoint and accompanying materials are available on her website here.
Evan, White, CSU Chico – The Beneficial Application of Stupidity in Inquiry
Evan read an article about “absolute stupidity” (link coming soon) and discussed his own pursuit of pure science through inquiry. Evan is in the credential program now and has been experimented with inquiry in one of his units as part of his student teaching program. He experienced success using an Inquiry Model and plans to continue it.
Cathy Cox, Lake Tahoe Community College – NASA Research Opportunities for Community College Students
Cathy discussed her recent experience with NASA’s Community College Aerospace Scholars program with her students and their research project “Structural integrity and mathematical modeling of singular soap bubbles in micro gravity and hyper gravity.” Students had to develop their research plan, device, secure funding, etc. before heading to NASA’s Houston facility. Cathy described the process of applying to the program, creating the apparatus and their work with their NASA assigned mentors. Cathy showed several pictures of their research and experience on the zero-gravity flights.
Leanna Ferlardo, Oroville High School – Remediation That Does Not Stink!
Leanna described a few remediation strategies she uses. Her first strategy is to develop Mastery Quizzes on each main unit. Students are told that they have to pass the Mastery Quiz with 100% or the score will be entered as a 0. Students are given the test a few times in class and must retake it until they reach 100%. After the first few times in class students have to make the effort to come in and retake the Mastery Quiz until they get 100%. Students are very motivated to retake the test to get the 100% because otherwise they have a 0% and the tests are heavily weighted. Leanna also records the number of students that missed each question so that the ones that are missed frequently can be reviewed in class. Students can review their test and have the option to retake the test with different tests and can increase their score. Leanna provided examples of a Mastery Quiz, her grade book and several sample tests.
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