The program for our Fall 2013 section conference is now available in PDF format. We should have a web page version up shortly, but here’s the PDF in the mean-time. Map of locations: View NCN AAPT at Carondelet High School in a larger map with key to locations. Don’t forget, registration is encouraged (helps us plan for how many will attend), but not mandatory. Register here.
Category: NCNAAPT meetings & news
Here is a copy that will print out nicely as a 4″ x 6″ photo (click the photo to get the print size):
Invited Talk: “Changes in the Teaching of Introductory Physics at Stanford” Chaya Nanavati or Stanford University
Chaya discussed the existing structure that has an instructor that leads lectures and has Head TAs, Discussion TAs and Lab TAs that assist the smaller groups. Often we encounter several barriers to change: Administration or Colleagues are often resistant to change and need convincing, materials and time are necessary for change. She suggests using the already developed resources from Maryland University, Harvard, CU Boulder, etc. on group work and student-centered learning. Eric Mazur has lots of resources and evidence that interactive engagement increases the post-test gain on the Force Concept Inventory test.
Further updates and links to come… If you have any corrections please let the secretary know.
Tom Woosnam , Crystal Springs Uplands School
Tom discussed the Perimeter Institute; more information is available here: Perimeter Institute Catalogue (1)
Don Rathjen, Exploratorium
If you attended our conference at Foothill College as your first Nothern Cal/Nevada section conference, please complete the following survey: