Spring Conference April 6 at University of the Pacific (Stockton)

Our next local AAPT meeting will be hosted by the University of the Pacific Physics Department on April 5th and 6th.

Parking and directions can be found here.

So, what will our conference look like? We’ll have vendor workshops in the late afternoon/early evening on Friday the 5th, followed by some no-host dining. Our main event will be on Saturday the 6th, and will feature invited talks from Natasha Holmes and Binod Nainabasti followed by workshops in the afternoon.


Click here for complete program & more information

Unrecognized/unknown equipment in your physics closet?

It’s summer, which means many of us will be moving into new schools, or cleaning out old ones. It’s not unusual to come across equipment that you have no idea how it is used (even for veteran teachers!). In light of that, we and PTSOS have created a new Twitter hashtag to use our collective wisdom to help identify unknown equipment:Twitter unkown equipment image


If you are on Twitter, feel free to ask and answer questions about equipment.

Vernier Data Collection workshop in SF Bay Area

There are hands-on Vernier workshops coming to our area, and seats are still available.

Photo of data collectionData-collection Workshop in Santa Clara, CA

  • Monday, April 27, 2015
  • 4:00 – 8:00 PM
  • Santa Clara Marriott
    2700 Mission College Blvd.
    Santa Clara, CA 95054
  • Details and registration »

Data-collection Workshop in San Francisco, CA

Join us to learn how to integrate our data-collection technology into your science curriculum. You will have the opportunity to explore our award-winning sensor interface, the Vernier LabQuest.

For more information and online registration, go to our website or e-mail us at register@vernier.com.

Best regards,
Vernier Software & Technology

PS. Our local Vernier contact is long-time NCN AAPT member Clarence Bakken, who you can reach at cbakken2001@yahoo.com

App Share-a-thon from AAPT in Minneapolis

apps presented at Share-a-thon

The following links are in the order they were presented.

Error Calc screenshot
Error Calc screenshot from an iPhone

You want tech in your classroom? We have both flavors…

Today’s workshop on technology and equipment combined the best educational tech/software/equipment companies, PASCO and Vernier. About twenty educators gathered at St. Ignatius High School in San Francisco to see the best of the new as well as some classic demonstrations.