In Memoriam – Elender Wall

I’m very sad to report the daughter of one of our longtime members and contributors Dave Wall of City College of San Francisco, Elender Wall, passed away last Monday evening from complications of thyroid cancer.  She was 47 years old.  Dave was well-known for his demos that involved magic tricks, and years later his daughter Elender joined our ranks. Despite her musical training in voice at the San Francisco Conservatory of Music, she degreed in physics and went on to edit and distribute Dave’s textbook Introductory Physics: A Problem-Solving Approach. 

Years later she pursued her lifelong goal of being an opera singer. She performed in many venues larger and small. In 2004 she teamed up with pianist and composer Bryant Kong and recorded the musical CD entitled “The Poetry of Donald Rumsfeld and Other Fresh American Art Songs.” which received national attention on NPR.
 In 2011 she moved to Berlin where she sang in a variety of roles.
She appeared on an episode of “To Tell The Truth” in which Elender was the imposter for her and her long-time friend and physics chanteuse, Lynda Williams. It was hilarious and can be seen on my website (Physics on TV):
Other information about Elender and her repertoire.
Elender was a very talented and stunningly beautiful woman and she will be sorely missed.
A memorial for Elender was held January 28, 2017 at the Diego Rivera Theatre at CCSF. A video of it can be seen by clicking on the following link:
If you wish to contact David Wall, drop Paul Robinson an email at

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