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Keynote Speaker: Douglas Stone

Einstein’s scientific image was systematically distorted for historical reasons (not discussed here) however Einstein spent much more time on quantum theory than anything else (including relativity). Stone discovered and wrote an article on some of Einstein’s early and extremely lucid explanations of the problem with quantizing chaos. The article appeared in 2005 during the World Year of Physics and resulted in many speaking engagements which sparked Stone’s intensive research into Einstein’s life and works. Most of the available literature on Einstein’s research was too technical for the general public so Stone wrote his own.

We were treated to various entertaining stories of Einstein as a very difficult student. Einstein’s letters to his wife gave great insight into his life at the time. Once married there was no need to write except to a friend of his that announced his work in his “Miracle Year.” Stone continued to share experimental trial and tribulations of several scientists that led us to the current Quantum Theory. Stone includes private notes, excerpts from letter, images and insights to take us through the history of the development of the theory. He discussed the limits modern researchers still face, namely that the act of measurement continues to affect their results. Stone’s book “Einstein and the Quantum: The Quest of the Valiant Swabian” is available for purchase.

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