Momentum and Impulse: Workshop by AAPT PTRA at PASCO, July 16th, 2016

I want to be sure your teachers are aware of a very unique opportunity to increase their understanding of content in physical science and physics.  Professional development master teachers with the American Association of Physics Teachers will be in your area July 15-16, 2016 and would like to invite your teachers to join them in a stimulating, fun, and content focused professional development at the PASCO facility. Each day will focus on specific topics aligned with the California standards and we promise your teachers will be engaged and learn something new.  One day will focus on elementary physical science and the second day will focus on higher-level physics and physical science.PTRA banner

Note: The MS/HS session is the first Saturday of AAPT National Conference and AAPT Physics Teachers Camp in Sacramento, so bundle this together for a great weekend/week of physics education professional development

Informational flyers for both elementary and secondary are posted on the website: Feel free to forward these to your teachers where appropriate.

The $100 registration fee will include lunch, some equipment, and lots of new ideas for teaching physical science concepts. If you would like to register a group of teachers and send the names later, that can be arranged.

If you have any questions, concerns, or want to discuss registration for your teachers, please do not hesitate to contact me.  Please note that due to the facilities we have limited space availability.

I look forward to meeting your teachers and working with them for a day or two.


Dr. Karen Jo Matsler

AAPT/PTRA National Director

UTeach Master Teacher, UT Arlington


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