We’ll be holding our next NorCal/Nevada AAPT meeting at PASCO’s factory in Roseville in late April. On the night of Friday the 22nd we’ll meet for an optional social event from 6-9, and on Saturday the 23rd we’ll have a full meeting. A big thank you to PASCO for also covering food costs for this meeting.
Here is a parking map:

Friday night will feature a history of PASCO by its founder Paul Stokstad and a history of our section by Paul Robinson! Doors open at 6, doors close at 9, make it when you can make it.
Our Saturday schedule looks like this:
8:30 Door open/Start Registration
9:00 Welcome/Organization
9:15-10:15 Morning Block – Share & Tell
10:15-10:30 Break/Photo
10:30-11:45 Keynote Speaker – Brian Holmes “The Physics of Brass Musical Instruments, or What do horn players do with their right hands, anyway?”
11:45-1:15 Lunch/Networking/Swap Meet
1:15-2:45 Afternoon Block (10 minute talks)
2:45-3:00 Break
3:00-3:30 Dan Burns Zero-G Talk
3:30-Onwards Factory Tours (staggered small groups)
We are always trying to make it easier for people to come to our meetings. If taking care of a loved one is an issue, we have dependent-care grants available at https://ncnaapt.org/dependent-care-grants/. Please remind colleagues who have not registered, but might come if they had some help at home. We’ll also have a lactation room available.
We will require that masks be worn indoors in non-eating situations. There will be plenty of space outdoors for eating. We expect that most if not all of our attendees will be vaccinated.
At the request of some members, we’ll set up a car-pool resource. This link will be sent to registered attendees.