We’ll be at the Contra Costa College on April 13/14 for our spring conference. We’ll have a social event on Friday, and on Saturday we’ll have our main event.
We are very excited to have John Collins, the Paper Airplane Guy as our invited speaker. Watch his fun videos at www.youtube.com/user/ThePaperAirplaneGuy
Here’s our Saturday schedule, we’ll meet in GE-225:
- 8:00 Registration/Posters Doors will open at 8, come and hang with physics teachers, and check out posters. We have removed the abstract submitting process, if you have something you want to share that fits on a wall, bring it and show it!
- 9:00 Morning Workshop Slot We have three workshops in our morning slot. Both Vernier and PASCO will have representatives demoing their latest, and Bernard Cleyet will tell us about radioactivity experiments.
- 10:00 – 11:15 Invited Speaker – John Collins He’ll talk about things you can fold and throw.
- 11:15-12 Group Photo plus Short Business Meeting We’ll take a picture of all of the cool people who attended (administrators sometimes like to look at those) and then hold a business meeting.
- 12:00-1:30 Lunch NCNAAPT is synonymous with tacos for lunch. We’ll have an array of topic tables for discussion groups.
- 1:30-2:30 Panel – Incorporating educational technology into your teaching Dan Burns, Bree Barnett-Dreyfuss and Jon Celesia will share their wisdom and scars as it regards what has and hasn’t worked for them as they’ve implemented new technologies into their classrooms.
- 2:30-3:30 Afternoon Workshop Slot We have the PocketLab folks showing us their latest, Mike McCusker will tell us about microwave ovens, and Lee Trampleasure will walk us through best practices for social advocacy.
- 3:30-4:30 Share&Tell We end with our classic Share&Tell where people show the cool things that they are doing to teach physics. Bring a demo!
If you are interested, but have issues around taking care of loved ones on Saturdays, we have mini-grants that cover dependent care. Read here for details: https://ncnaapt.org/archives/2948
Here’s what Google says about getting to Contra Costa College: Map
It is never too early to think about carpooling: https://www.groupcarpool.com/t/ts4djx